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DIABETIC FOOT: a solvable problem

It is a fact that, when normal physiological conditions are present, our skin – besides regulating numerous biological processes – also eliminates the toxic substances that are present in the human body. This way our skin has an evident protective function towards the physical, chemical, mechanical and biological agents that interact in our well-being.
Dr. Magda Belmontesi, dermatologist, explains: “In our body a very important role is played by the so-called “surface hydrolipidic film” that is namely made up of a fatty base where a watery phase disperses. This is an extremely fine emulsion with an acid-base reaction at a ph value oscillating between 4.2 and 5.6.”
Such skin layer has an antimicrobic function and carries out a very important control action of the skin resorption. “Furthermore, – Dr. Belmontesi explains – it guarantees the optimal hydration. This complex equilibrium is often altered in many diabetic patients who have been ill for a long time. In these subjects there are frequent alterations of the normal skin trophism due to the action of metabolic disorders arising just from the disease and its neurovascular complications.”

Then, in diabetic patients the protective function of the skin is often altered and deficitary. In these subjects the metabolic disequilibrium of diabetes may originate different kinds of cutaneous manifestations. “From ulceronecrotic processes – Dr. Magda Belmontesi adds – to degenerative inflammatory processes.”
Dermatologic disorders usually develop after that diabetes has arisen, but they may also appear together with the disease or even earlier. And often this happens just in our body's extremities, like legs and feet.
The dermatologist continues: “Infections are a common problem among diabetics and infected feet remain a significant cause of uneasiness that frequently may become a real tragedy.”
In fact, “diabetic feet” are often amputated due to ulcers that were initially neglected and underestimated by both doctor and patient.
In the U.S.A. it was recently found out that the majority of the 14 million diabetic patients is destined to suffer from pathological alterations of their lower limbs. Furthermore, the commonest pathology among all complications caused by diabetes is that affecting the feet.
Another piece of information: in the United States 50% of “non-traumatic” amputations affecting the feet are due to diabetes!
So, what can we do? ”We can take action in good time – the dermatologist admonishes – by helping skin not to lose its natural trophism and its basic protective function, as well as by carrying out an efficacious preventive programme for contributing to the skin hydration and well-being... starting from the feet!”


A specific proposal consisting of three products comes from RPF (Pharmaceutical Products Research) to carry out an efficacious care and prevention programme for diabetic skin:
- as concerns daily cleansing and hygiene, Eupoderma Liquid deterges effectively with a physiological ph value complementary to the treatment of skin alterations affecting diabetic feet;
- Eupoderma Massage Oil fights the skin's fragility and lost of elasticity typical of the diabetic foot;
- Eupoderma Cream is a unique emulsion to strengthen the natural process of skin regeneration and allow the necessary protection of the neuro-epidermical trophism of the diabetic foot.