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It's thanks to the significant and continuous investments in clinic and scientific research that the evolution of the Thermage technology seems to be unstoppable.
The most interesting results over the last period of time concern body shaping thanks to the new ‘tips’, namley the flat square maniple that, once put on the skin, releases the thermic energy causing the shortening of collagen fibers and stimulates fibroblasts to synthesize new collagen. These tips are larger than those normally used for the face and were created to allow heat to penetrate deeper.

- DC ‘tips’ represent the body shaping technique that, besides acting on the skin tonicity, works contextually on small fat accumulations thanks to the use of sophisticated ‘tips’ of 3 cm°, the so-called DC (Deep Contouring) tips. In fact, they were created to allow thermic energy to penetrate into the thick skin layers of our body deeper (79% more) than those tips used for the face or sensitive areas like eye contour.
DC tips work not only on the connective tissue and on the fibrous septa wrapping the subcutaneous fat, but also on the small superficial fat accumulations by eliminating them. All this leads to a significant reduction of skin laxity together with a body reshape thanks to the ‘recompacting’ of the skin that regains tonicity.
This treatment is indicated to fight abdomen laxity signs after childbirth or stark loss of weight, to improve the skin tone of legs and arms and to reshape waist, hips and buttocks with an aesthetic result comparable to that one achievable by wearing an invisible sheath under the skin.

- CL ‘tips’ represent the specific Thermage technique against cellulite, the fruit of almost two years of technological development and clinical experimentation. This technique uses special ‘tips’, also of 3 cm°, the so-called CL (Cellulite Laxity). Their function consists of bringing the heat into depth and improving the visual aspect of the PEFS (edemato-fibro-sclerotic panniculopathy) thanks to a specific heat distribution. Thanks to the use of CL tips that regulate optimally the distribution of thermic energy, the Thermage application re-establishes the collagen in the connective tissue and rebalances the elasticity of the connective tissue fibers restoring the skin compactness, improves significantly vasal microcirculation and cell metabolism and reduces the stagnation of liquids with visible results on fat pads and ‘orange-peel’ skin. All this in a single session.
This methodology too obtained the specific FDA authorization ‘for the temporary improvement of the visual aspect of cellulite’. The term ‘temporary’ indicates that this genetic-idiopathic disease (i.e. of unknown cause) can't be healed by the Thermage method forever, but at least for a long period of time (2 to 3 years), during the which cellulite has no clinical evidence.

The difference between DC and CL ‘tips’ is that the first ones change form and volume, for example of relaxed buttocks with consequent ‘raising’ and improvement of the silhouette line, while the second ones achieve a compacting of the gluteus and outside of the thighs with a circumferential reduction of gluteus and thighs of approx. 10%.

The treatment can be started after a careful medical-surgical, ecographic and photographic evaluation, as well as the application of an anaesthetic cream on the area to be treated. On average the treatment lasts an hour and a half, afterwards the patient can resume her daily activities. The first pleasant aesthetic effects are visible already at the end of the treatment and they are going to improve over the following 6 months to remain then stable in time.

Novelties for 2009
Here are the novelties in the field of aesthetics:

Multiplex ‘tips’ are extremely large because they are made up of a set of 4 tips of 3 cm°, assembled among themselves, with a total treatment area of 16 cm°, that is over five times larger than the other ones. The four tips of which Multiplex is made up have different characteristics and work ‘by turns’ (one after the other) at supersonic speed. Another novelty: the heat is distributed ‘downwards’.

However, the advantages of Multiplex are evident:
- the execution time is halved: every spot delivered is equivalent to four ‘classic’ tips
- the treatment ist softer: contrarily to traditional tips that deliver the heat uniformly (30 J/cm°), the Multiplex tip releases immediately the utmost heat peak (36 J/cm) and then goes down to 24 J/cm at the end of the spot. Practically, the impulse of Multiplex supplies a quantity of energy equivalent to that of the traditional tips without causing a sharp burning sensation. So, the trouble of the treatment - not very tolerated on particularly sensitive body areas like the inside of thighs or arms - becomes absolutely bearable.

This represents another huge step ahead that allows the application on wide body areas with a combined action of tissue recompacting, adipose lysis, cellulite treatment, contraction of subcutaneous collagen and superficial elastin, adding together the results of DC and CL tips.

Well, advanced tecnnologies for more and more sophisticated aesthetic treatments.