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It is a safe treatment
True. Macrolane is made up of NASHATM gel, which is based on hyaluronic acid, a natural substance already present in the human body. Approved by CE and FDA, it is based on the same technology of Restylane (the biocompatible filler that flattens wrinkles, defines contours and restores face volumes) that, with over 10 million treatments in more than 70 countries worldwide, represents not only the most commonly used filler in the world, but also the one with the largest scientific documentation on utilization safety.

It can be used also for facial treatments of aesthetic medicine
False. Due to its characteristic macromolecular structure Macrolane is not indicated for facial treatments, but to restore the volume and improve the profile of body surfaces. The range of products suitable for aesthetic facial treatments is that of Restylane.

The Macrolane treatment is carried out under anaesthesia
False. General anaesthesia is not required: a light local anaesthesia is more than sufficent as te Macrolane treatment is not a surgical methodology.

An operating room is necessary
False. The treatment is carried out in a medical environment that guarantees the hygienic conditions required for minor surgical interventions.

The result is immediately visible
True. Thanks to its characteristics Macrolane achieves an immediate volumizing and reshape effect. With a progressive programme it is possible to obtain, mantain and modulate the result in time according to one`s wishes, in accordance with the age and modifications of the female body in the course of life.

The product tends to migrate in time
False. Instrumental examinations show its stability within the area of injection, then a sort of volume control in time. Moreover, once injected Macrolane tends to draw up gradually in accordance with the tissues performing an extremely natural result.

It replaces mammary prostheses
False. The breast augmentation that can be achieved with Macrolane is of approximately one size, but the most important aspect is the restoration of the roundness. In fact, Macrolane is ideal for restoring a full, flourishing and harmonious aspect to those breasts emptied by age, diets or pregnancies and for eliminating congenital asymmetries or sinkings.

The precautions to be taken before the treatment are the same of mammary prostheses
True. A breast echography (and a mammography for women over 40) are diagnostic exams necessary to exclude glandular alterations before starting a Macrolane treatment, as well as before the insertion of a prosthesis.

Macrolane makes the reading of breast echographies and mammographies more difficult
False. The studies done until today show that the Macrolane implant neither hinders diagnostic exams on the breast, nor requires an intensification of diagnostic exams after the implant.

The presence of Macrolane gel in the breast doesn`t interfere with breastfeeding
True. Macrolane is placed under the mammary glands and over the muscle and doesn`t interfere with breastfeeding absolutely.

It may cause breast cancer
False. The studies done until now and presented at the KEMA, the notified organism for CE mark approval and release, show that there is no risk to develop cancer in the breast or in any other body region due to the presence of the NASHATM gel of Macrolane.

Any surgeon or aesthetic doctor can use Macrolane
False. The doctors who use Macrolane attended an important teorical-practical training certified by Q-Med. In fact, each body region requires a specific implant technique that the specialist must know very thoroughly and be able to use at best.

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