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It is called Genistein and, at appropriate concentrations (27 mg/capsule),
allows to work on the vasomotor symptomatology typical of pre- and post-menopause. Moreover, the active principle seems to be able to work also on the problems related to osteoporosis and general loss of bony mass typical of the years following the cessation of menstruation. Recent scientific studies showed how Genistein increased the bony mass at the neck of the thigh bone and at the lumbar spine in a statistically significant way.
As the results of a previous clinical study on ninety patients (Menopause 2004;11(4):400-4) were quite encouraging, the authors decided to make deeper
evaluations about the effect of Genistein on the vasomotor symptomatology of post-menopause by increasing the number of enrolled patients. The results evidentiated a statistically significant reduction of both number and intensity of “hot flushes” after only one month of treatment with Genistein contrarily to the placebo group. This reduction is progressively increased after three, six and twelve months (Menopause 2007; 14(4):1-8).

Genistein results to be a particularly interesting product also as concerns prevention of cardiovascular pathologies in postmenopausal women. In a specific clinical study the authors evaluated the effect of this active principle on some cardiovascular risk factors. Contrarily to the placebo group, the use of Genistein reduced in a statistically significant way the insulin resistance and mantained the glucidic homeostasis physiologically after twelve and twenty-four months of treatment. But the treatment, though not modifying significantly blood lipids, remarkably reduced the seric levels of fibrinogen contrarily to the placebo group after twenty-four months.

It's called Genivis (Mastelli) and is an integrator based on titrated
Genistein (27 mg per capsule). It contains vitamin D3 and calcium too, for an efficacious control of the symptoms related to the beginning and progression of menopause. Dr. Magda Belmontesi, dermatologist and consultant of our Internet portal, explains: “Genistein results to be perfect not only to control flushes, but also to balance skin trophism and hydration. Furthermore, its use is also fundamental to fight vaginal dryness, that is often associated to the pre- and post-menopausal hormonal picture.”
Genivis must be taken twice a day (one capsule in the morning and one in the evening), has no contraindications (it is not a substitutive hormonal therapy) and its first results show after about forty days. The product allows to control the beginning in time of osteoporosis and, more generally speaking, of bone fragility.
“Daily flushes decrease significantly – Dr. Belmontesi ends – and nightly flushes can be kept under control. All this in a natural way and without appealing to the administration of chemical substances.”
According to the different clinical studies made on the product, the effective dose is of two tablets daily (morning and evening). Each tablet contains 27 mg of Genistein in active form, as well as calcium and vitamin D3.