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It promises wonders and, according to the results, it really seems to be the aesthetic treatment of election for the next future. It’s called Omnilux and arises from a number of researches conducted for years by the Cancer Research Centre in Great Britain: it has to its credit several scientific publications, as many as five FDA registrations and the realization of many medical protocols the efficacy of which was widely demonstrated.
By virtue of these results, Omnilux is presently the most complete and documented machine for Phototherapy.

Omnilux consists of a single base and three patented LED (Light Emitting Diodes) heads. Each LED is made up of solid plastic semiconductors of about 1 mm. that, when crossed by electric current, emit a kind of light with narrow band wavelength, spectrally pure and in a specific intensity and amount.
The LEDs neither show filaments nor emanate heat: they last long and - particularly important - they do not need maintenance.
The use of Omnilux is not invasive and never ablative: cells are stimulated without any heat emission, therefore without recovery time for the patient or without any kind of collateral effect. Well, a safe treatment, perfectly meeting the requirements of the new aesthetic trends, i.e. no invasivity, no consequences and a safe and visible result.

Phototherapy utilizes a kind of light with a specific wavelength that accelerates the cellular renewal process. In fact, all cell of our body contain receptors absorbing light naturally. This spontaneous absorption stimulates a cellular physiological process that regulates also their metabolic reactions.
In short, the photodynamic therapy is a treatment modality utilizing three specific elements:
1 – Application of a photosensitizer on the area to be treated
2 – Irradiation of the specific light
3 – Oxygen
On the contrary, the photobiomodulation therapy never uses photosensitizers but only the specific action of the light on the cells to be treated.

Ideal for skin rejuvenation, Omnilux works also synergically combined with Renophase peelings for an efficacious treatment of wrinkles and skin relaxation.
It can be also useful combined with botulinic toxin, different fillers and dermabrasion, as well as for the therapy of cutaneous tumors or vitiligo, besides acne and post-surgical tissue repair.
In our portal you will find further articles on the different application fields of this new machine, really advanced for utilization methodology and achieved results.
For further information: