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Beauty of... extremities

Recently actress Scarlett Johansson, Woody Allen’s twenty-two year old muse,
said to People magazine: “I really think I have beautiful feet, but if yours are not well-kept at all, don’t give up hope: a little care will make them look absolutely... terrific!"
Then, this is what the dermatologist suggests about... extremities.
In fact, above all in cold weather our feet tend to show a drier and chapped skin, and heels can show this flaw even more. To regenerate them we can apply Salicylic Vaseline (that removes thickenings) or a cream with low concentration of urea as a compress on the sole of the foot by wrapping our feet up in a transparent film. After two hours we can take a foot-bath with water and salt, and remove dryness using a pumice-stone.
Hands as well are a part of the body daily exposed to the aggression of different detergents and substances with which they can come into contact: keeping our hands wholesome and able to protect themselves is a symptom of beauty and health. Moreover, cold and wind can also damage them affecting their hydrolipidic film. Then, during the cold season it is necessary to protect them with gloves and to pay much attention to cleansing, by choosing non-aggressive and low foaming products.
It is extremely important to apply the cream frequently throughout the day. If you are allergic or intolerant, choose barrier creams able to restore your hands quickly their hydrolipidic film.
What if a prompt and efficacious remedy is necessary to restore the beauty of the most damaged hands as well? We can appeal to an old household remedy: squeeze a little lemon juice and apply it onto the back of the hands. Lemon contains citric acid, that assures a good peeling effect and lightening properties. Leave it on for about 10 minutes, wash away with a non-foaming cleanser, apply a layer of cream as a compress and put lattice (if you are not allergic) or cotton gloves on. Then put very thin cotton gloves on and keep them for about half an hour. At last give your hands a nice massage with a good specific hand cream.
Hands show aging signs and photoaging damages, i.e. the typical dark spots. Winter is the ideal time for laser treatments or very superficial peelings that make hand skin smoother. In order to prevent aging it is also possible at any age to carry out painless microinjections called “Hydroreserve”, with Vital Hyaluronic Acid. A deep moisture and a long-lasting turgor effect can be achieved with approx. 3 sessions spaced out every 3-4 weeks. This treatment must be periodically repeated to obtain beautiful and perfect hands despite getting older.