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Further to our users’ large interest in Macrolane, i.e. the most innovative treatment of Aesthetic Medicine of the moment, our experienced dermatologist, Dr. Magda Belmontesi, replies to the main questions on material and modalities of the treatment in this exclusive article to be read and kept...

• What do Macrolane™ gels contain?
Like the whole range of Restylane® products for facial aesthetic treatments, Macrolane™ gels consist of not animal stabilized hyaluronic acid and water and are produced in the laboratories of Q-Med, thanks to its unique patented NASHA™ technology.

• Are these products safe?
Up to now NASHA™ has over 10 years experience in the field of Medicine and Aesthetics and over 9 million treatments carried out all over the world. This means that its efficacy and safety have been widely proved through many clinical studies.

• What body areas can be treated?
Macrolane™ has been formulated to restore the volumes and to redefine the body contours: buttocks, breast reshaping, chest muscles, calves, etc. It allows as well to correct the anti-aesthetic concavities of the body: post traumatic scars, post liposuction defects, etc. But Macrolane is not indicated for face treatments: the Restylane® product range has been specifically formulated for this use.

• What are the benefits of the treatment?
In short:
• No need of hospitalization
• Not very invasive procedure
• Short recovery time
• Natural product injected into the body
• Immediate results
• « Tailored » solution

• Why are there different Macrolane™ products?
Macrolane™ VRF20 and VRF30 gels have been formulated to adapt better to the areas to be treated and to the desired fullness effect. The doctor can combine these products to achieve an optimal and natural result.

• How much volume can be injected?
The injected volume will depend on the areas to be treated and on your expectations. On the average it can be considered a quantity of product from 10 ml. to 240 ml. according to the different indications (from the correction of slight imperfections to a significant reshaping)

• How is the product injected?
Macrolane™ is injected deeply under the skin with a sort of cannula specific for adding volume and support wihout leaving anti-aesthetic scars. The volume and depth depend on the indication and the desired effect.

• Are there side effects?
After the injection, normal reactions like erythema, swelling, pain, itching, haematoma or higher sensitivity may arise. These reactions disappear spontaneously within one or two weeks.

• How long does the treatment last?
Generally, the treatment is carried out during a single session of about 30 minutes. It can be made with no need of preliminary tests. The results are immediately visible.

• What about anaesthesia?
The treatment can be carried out under local anaesthesia in your doctor`s office.

• Will it be possible to resume all regular activities immediately after the treatment?
After the treatment you can immediately return to normal activities. Anyway, we suggest to avoid intense physical exercise and all those activities implying a continuous pressure on the treated area during the first 5 weeks in order to guarantee the success of your treatment. Furthermore, it is advisable to wait until eventual swellings or reddenings have disappeared before exposing the treated area to intense heat or cold.

• How long does the effect of the treatment last?
The product effect is long-lasting but not permanent. Thanks to its hydrophilic effect, the product keeps largely its capacity to fill and raise tissues, nevertheless it is progressively biodegradable. For the maintenance of the achieved results, we suggest to schedule a yearly retouch.